11 Aprile 2003: nuova versione di Crystal (da Eweek)

Crystal Decisions on Wednesday announced two new products designed to broaden its business intelligence software and make it accessible to a wider user base.

The company announced a new version of its Crystal Enterprise platform, Crystal Enterprise 9 Premium, as well as a new version of a product within that platform, Crystal Analysis Professional, which provides guided analysis of data.

New features in Crystal Analysis Professional include integration with the Crystal Reports report writer, to allow users to move between a formatted and analytic view of data; more flexible report design; enhanced usability; deeper Microsoft Excel integration; and new support for enterprise data sources including Hyperion Essbase and IBM DB2.

Other new features in Crystal Enterprise 9 Premium besides Crystal Analysis Professional include support for ad hoc query so business and power users can create, modify and analyze personalized reports through a Web-based interface without requiring an understanding of underlying data structures.

Crystal Enterprise Premium also includes developer APIs that support rapid application design and assembly in .Net, Java or COM environments.

Pricing for Crystal Enterprise Premium starts at $75,000 per processor, though pricing varies depending on how much functionality is required. User-based pricing models are also available