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Tel. (+39) 347 3853617

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A company needs perfectly efficient information systems to work well, and Data Warehouses are no exception. Many Data Warehouses did non reach the expected resultsm, they are no more aligned with business needs, or they are based on obsolete technologies.

The DW Assessment consulting service helps companies identify existing problems and possible solutions in their Data Warehouse implementations.
The areas included in the assessment are:


Organization – roles, responsibilities, structure of the organization including the role of the user


Metadata – the strategy and implementation of data about data


Business value – cost justification and governance of projects


Methodology – the process by which the data warehouse is developed and maintained


Delivery and tools – the interface seen by the user


Architecture – the hardware, software and network that supports the data warehouse. Is the DW design based on a solid architecture?


Strategic direction – support of the strategic goals of the organization


Data acquisition and cleansing – the critical activity of sourcing, extracting and cleaning the data


Requirements – the process to determine just what information the users need


Data modeling – how models are developed and used for the data warehouse


Data base design – the design of the data warehouse databases being significantly different than those that are operational


Performance – response time as well as load/refresh/update performance


User satisfaction – usability of data, flexibility and responsiveness of IT to new requirements, satisfaction with the quality of the data


KPI's - their respondence to user needs, the way they are presented.

It is superfluous to note that a DW Assessment should be made only by consultants with a deep knowledge of DW theory and a vast experience based on real implementations.
andrea.vincenzi@olap.it Tel. (+39) 347 3853617